Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Still Funny

I don't know (or care) anything about Harry Potter but I still laughed.

The Potter craze may have missed me - by a mile - but I still found this show to be mildly hilarious. It's fun for the whole family, especially if that family likes Harry Potter. 

Now, you all might be privy to the fact that I work for a rather large theater company in Chicago and sometimes (rarely) I get free tickets to shows. This was one of those times. And while I wouldn't have paid to see Potted Potter (it's just not my cup of tea) I did really enjoy the comedy. 

And Jeff is miles ahead of Dan if you ask me. He runs around making hilarious jokes and even smears cake on his face. Dan just stands there with a weird look on his face the entire time.

So I'll give this play four out of five stars. It was funny, it was short, and it was only annoying for about 5 of the 70 minutes. I'll call that one a success.

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